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Nila June AI Property Descriptions

AI property descriptions: Nila June for listing agents and MLS

MIAMI Association of REALTORS has selected Nila June as its preferred provider of AI property descriptions for its members. MIAMI is the largest local Realtor Association in the nation and is the first U.S. Realtor association to secure a partnership with Nila June. 

ChatGPT property descriptions . . . not so fast!

No, literally “not so fast.” By the time an agent edits, massages, and corrects an out of box listing description from ChatGPT, that agent could have had severl property descriptions from Nila June

The rush to overstatement about the practical applications of GPT technologies has come mostly from non-writers. For these hopefuls, ChatGPT might be serve as a suitable substitute for their own battles with the blank screen. Even then, though, the output is merely the start of a long editing process that may require professional skills. 

Nila June is a “traditional” Natural Language Generation (NLG) application, built buy human writers who maintain complete control over the output. The Nila June methodology depends upon an agent’s knowledge about the listing. That knowledge is then transformed into an accurate, creative property listing description.

AI listing descriptions: Beyond ChatGPT with Nila June

Nila June has several dozen ChatGPT-based competitors. Realtors who don’t want to spend $19.99 to get a great property description should try their luck on one of these cheaper offerings. But watch out for “boasts!” And be ready to edit out “perfect for” this or that.

Nila June takes the agent, the seller, and the listing beyond ChatGPT, resulting in a higher level of engagement with the real estate market. 

Get started with a Nila June property description

Remember that the property listing description markets you. It helps you earn thousands in commision. You can afford to invest a few bucks to get a great description.

Clicking on the button below will take you to the Nila June property briefing survey. That survey offers the opportunity to share property details, which are then instantly woven into an effective property description and immediately (upon purchase) sent to the agent. 

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